Touch Areas GUI (TAG)

Version 1.8

GAC provides support for touch gestures to be used as input events for use with devices such as mobile phones. Gestures are supported across multiple platforms though, including PC/Mac, iOS and Android. 

GAC uses what are called Touch Areas GUIs to help setup the use of such gestures. This setup includes two parts. First part is setting it up in the Activators Menu by selecting from the Touch Input Activator Source popup. The following diagram shows the settings of the Touch Input Activator.

1. Resolution Mode (For Touch Activators)
This provides a popup menu of the current list of Resolutions available to set for the Platform (PC/Mac, Web, iOS and Android) being developed on in Unity. This is only available when Touch Activators are being used. The buttons from right to left are:

Reset: Resets the settings for the selected Resolution

Save: Save the settings for the selected Resolution

2. Resolution Orientation
This provides the orientation to show the resolution in to save TAGs on. These option is only available for iOS and Android Platforms in Unity and when Touch Activators are being used.

3. Touch Areas GUI (TAG) Options
This area provides info and setting buttons for TAG use. There is a status box that shows when the Build mode is enabled/disabled and TAG Window is ready/not ready. And the following 2 buttons are:

Enable TAG in Play Mode/Build: Shows the TAG in build mode or on the device for debugging purposes only; remove it for final build.

Start TAG Resolution Simulation: This opens the TAG Window that shows an adjusted version of the Resolution selected in the Popup menu.

4. Touch Activator Options
Besides the options that are available to all activators, Touch Activators have unique options of its own; the options listed below begin from the number '4' Activator Number popup seen above in the diagram and continues to the right.

Gesture Direction: The 4th popup from the left allows the selection of the gesture direction
Finger Amount: The 5th popup from the left allows the selection of number of fingers to recognize.
Show/Hide Button: Use to show/hide the Touch Activator settings

5. Show/Hide Visual Touch Area
This button is used to show or hide the Touch Area in the TAG Window.

6. Use Touch Area Button
This is a popup that provides the option of using this Touch Activator's Own settings or use the settings of another Touch Area. This can be used to reduce the need to create multiple Touch Area Settings and just used the settings of another Touch Activator already setup. So for E.G. using one TAG for multiple gesture directions if that activator is setup as an attack button.

7. Touch Position
This is the position relative to the position in the TAG Window.

8. Touch Dimensions
This is the size of the dimensions of the TAG Box.

9. Touch Area Color
Use this to give the TAG Box a specific color.

The second part of using TAGs is with the TAG Window. This window can be opened using the Start TAG Resolution Simulation button described in the number 3 section above in the Touch Activator Diagram.

1. TAG Window Options
These are the main setting buttons for the TAG Window. From left to right these are:

Tips - Use this to cycle through simple tips on how to use TAG
Off - Use this to close the TAG Window. The general X button does not work and will not close the window; it will reopen
Reset - Resets the settings for the selected Resolution
Save - Save the settings for the selected Resolution
Platform ResolutionsThis provides a popup menu of the current list of Resolutions available to set for the Platform (PC/Mac, Web, iOS and Android) being developed on in Unity.

2. Resolution Orientation
This provides the orientation to show the resolution in to save TAGs on. These option is only available for iOS and Android Platforms in Unity.

3. Resolution Frame
This is the frame of the resolution size selected from the options. This does not show true resolution sizes for most higher resolutions, but simulates the size relative to the TAG Window size. GAC is built to handle the size difference and will show the correct resolutions on the actual devices. So for E.G. iPhone 5 resolution is 1136x640 which is too big for the TAG Window but it is adjusted down to 568x320 for development usage but scales the settings of the TAG up when on the device.

4. TAG Box
This is the TAG box that the settings are being adjust for. This can be manually adjusted in the Touch Activator Settings or can be adjusted visually by clicking and dragging the middle icon or sizing by clicking and dragging on the edge of the box. The box will also provide the name of the TAG and the position relative to the Resolution Frame. The position shown is also based on its dimensions size.

5. Tip Info
This sections provides tip information when the TIP button is clicked. Clicking the TIP button changes the tip shown. It will also show other necessary information based on different contexts.